Great Store Managers Make Great Stores
The store manager has a great deal of control over the attitude, tempo, feeling, and ultimately the success of the store.
In this high-energy presentation, George Whalin reveals the most common skills, attributes, attitudes, and characteristics of great store managers--hard-working, talented, dedicated people who get things done and know how to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN!
Looking To The Future!
Powerful Trends That Are Changing What People Buy, How They Buy, and Where They Buy!
And consumers themselves will continue to change. They will be even more ethnically, economically, and socially diverse. They will be even more savvy, and they will want more, expect more, and, yes, demand more from retailers and consumer product companies.
Merchants and manufacturers who understand how to do business in the marketplace of the future will thrive and grow. The rest will languish and disappear.
Competition 2000!
High-Impact Strategies for Doing Business in the Most Competitive Marketplace in History!
Competition for customer attention and dollars has become so fierce that retailing is now considered America's most competitive industry! And the retail climate won't get any easier in the next five years... it probably will be even more competitive.
To survive, retailers must do everything possible to distinguish their stores from the competition. They must be better merchants and marketers. They must provide customers with a truly memorable shopping experience. And they must manage their businesses as if their very existence depended upon it... because it does!
OK, So You Got The Customers Into Your Stores - NOW What Are You Going To Do?
Here's an entertaining, humorous, motivational, inspirational, eye-opening keynote on the state of customer service in America's stores.
Finding, Hiring, and Keeping the Best Retail Employees
Why should you continue hiring and training new employees only to have them leave in a few short weeks? Program content focuses on the most effective, proven techniques for dealing with this very complex and challenging problem. This seminar will give you the tools not only to keep the best people but to create a motivational climate where good people work best. Whether you hire full-time or part-time employees, this practical "how to" seminar is for you.
Retailing on the Internet
In the last year, more than 100,000 retailers--from the nation's largest chains to forward-thinking single-store merchants--have established a presence on the Internet. In just the last few months some of those online retailers have begun to sell a lot of merchandise. I'd like to tell you about those companies and what they are doing to capture the attention of and sell merchandise to online shoppers.
Participants learn: How to aim marketing messages directly at prospective customers, how to use direct marketing to keep regular customers coming back again and againĀand buying more, how to keep new customers coming through your door every month of the year, how to develop and produce low-cost, highimpact direct marketing campaigns.
Otherwise they will go elsewhere to buy!
Consumers have so many places to shop they no longer have to deal with stores and salespeople who aren't interested in or capable of serving their needs. There is one way to be absolutely certain your customers won't go elsewhere but will buy from you and come back again and again to buy more: Make sure your customers always get what they want! When customers get what they want, everyone wins!
Customer Focused Selling is about finding out what the customer wants and expects and satisfying those needs. It is a simple concept that is anything but simple to accomplish. Giving customers what they want is the best way for a store and a salesperson to stand out in today's competitive retail marketplace.
To engage George Whalin for your next conference or seminar, contact:
Retail Management Consultants
1635 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd., Suite 206
San Marcos, CA 92069Phone: Toll Free: 800-766-1908
Phone: 760-471-0207
FAX: 760-471-0263
E-MAIL: [email protected]