George Whalin Products: Retail Management Newsletter

George Whalin's
Retail Management Letter

A monthly 8-page newsletter written exclusively for retailers and suppliers to the retail industry.

Running a retail business today is more challenging than during any time in recent history. Retailers who take advantage of the latest, cutting-edge ideas and proven business-building strategies will not only survive, they will grow and prosper.

George Whalin's approach to building a successful retail business is based on practical ideas, concepts, and sound principles.

George spent 25 years of his life as a retailer; first as a manager and owner of a small chain of stores and later as a senior executive for a 125 store chain. He knows about retailing first-hand. He's been a retail consultant since 1987 and the Retail Management Letter is in its seventh year of publication. We have subscribers all over the United States and in several foreign countries.

George is regularly called upon for his opinion on retail issues by USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Nation's Business, and several of the nation's daily newspapers. He also writes for or is quoted by such trade publications as Footwear News, Impressions, Home Furnishings Executive, Furniture Today, Showcase International, and many more.

Subscribers to George Whalin's Retail Management Letter get the pure, unvarnished truth about how to manage their businesses more efficiently, productively, and profitably. They learn what works and what doesn't work from one of America's most outspoken and respected retail authorities

George will help you...

George is so sure you will find his newsletter useful in your business, he offers this straight-forward unconditional guarantee: If you are not completely satisfied with the practical, usable ideas and wealth of business-building information in every issue, just cancel, and we will refund your money for every unmailed issue, fully, promptly, and hassle-free.

--> CLICK HERE for a sample article <--

To subscribe, contact:

Retail Management Consultants
1635 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd., Suite 206
San Marcos, CA 92069

Phone: Toll Free: 800-766-1908
Phone: 760-471-0207
FAX: 760-471-0263

E-MAIL: [email protected]